greaseproof architecture since 2000

tag: harry seidler

North Apartments

posted 04.10 in resources.

Seidler and Associates 2003

SAI House (formerly Shell House)

posted 04.10 in resources.

Blues Point tower

posted 07.09 in resources.

Built 1961. From an interview Harry Seidler gave to the Sydney Morning Herald in 2002 ( link ): “This is old news, stupid bloody nonsense, I’m sick to death of it. It’s a journalistic gimmick. I’ve always thought Blues...

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The last Seidler

posted 07.09 in news.

The practice continues, but the Clarence Street Alliance Francaise building, which is opening in Sydney, is the last penned by him. I can’t find any pics other than the interior one in the BT article.

Harry Seidler and Associates

posted 05.08 in resources.

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