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What’s to distinguish one bland apartment building from another? How to coax the punter into believing that yours is the one for them when they have become immune to the thrills of european kitchens and views of gold courses. In West Australia, Mirvac have inserted a little drama into their display apartments to give them some edge they don’t otherwise possess. Not only do buyers get to inspect the apartment, they can now watch a real life(?) drama unfold inside.

As Bob gets ready for work, adjusting his tie in the bedroom mirror, he chats happily to his girlfriend, Carol, as she breezes past him to their kitchen. Their idyllic domestic scene makes Bob’s liaison with another woman amid the clean lines of his apartment later that night seem all the more shocking.

Bob and Carol do not come with the apartment, they are merely a lifestyle serving suggestion.

» The Australian 21.06.08

Posted by Peter on 05.07.08 in 



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