greaseproof architecture since 2000

practice news

Councils and fees

Grand Designs (Oz) presenter Peter Maddison recently advised Ballarat’s media what to do with its Civic Hall project, which was mainly not to ape historic styles.

16.02.11 in practice 

Over-budget in Kinglake

Is The Age getting sponsored by the HIA, did an architect just make a shocking mistake, or did they go to the wrong builder? A kinglake family’s efforts to rebuild come to nowt.

20.04.10 in practice 

Comment [1]

Building Commission says..

The Building Commission of Victoria has small profiles on many careers within the building industry. They forgot architecture, but most of the rest are covered. Including the draftsperson:

12.08.09 in practice 

Comment [5]

What does an architect do again?

A survey commissioned by Engineers Australia asked over 2000 Australains what they thought of various careers. In terms of understanding what the career was about, architecture came bottom, alongside science, engineering, and, erm… politics.

09.08.09 in practice 

SA misses out

South Australia is now the only Australian state without a givernment architect, following recent appointments in Western Australia (Steve Woodland) and Tasmania (Peter Poulet). The Institute chapter president in SA, Tim Horton, is keen for an in-government architect to be appointed there soon, seeing it as an important way to capitalise on the federal government’s lolly scramble (stimulus funding).

24.05.09 in practice 

Comment [2]

First Rate 4 kaput

For those many architects able to assess energy efficiency with First Rate version 4, your licence expires tomorrow. It’s 5 or nowt now. Seems they are trying to reduce the number of assessors by making everything expensive – like the required training course. One more external consultant to add to the list?

29.04.09 in sustainability practice

Bushfire homes service

Modelled on the 1950s The Age Small Home Service, the ®AIA with the Victorian Government Architect has just launched its Bushfire Homes Service. Registered AIA architects, working pro bono, are asked to submit intent by April 6th and ‘uncomplicated’ designs by April 13th. Details attached.

04.04.09 in practice 

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