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Two 3-Year Full-Time PhD Stipends at RMIT GEElab, in Germany

This is a past event.

RMIT University’s Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratory (GEElab) is currently offering two 3-year full-time PhD stipends to highly motivated Australians or New Zealanders. The successful applicants will be spending the majority of their stipend at the GEElab Europe in Germany, see the position descriptions below.

UPDATE: Application deadlines for both stipends have been extended to Tuesday, 10 April 2012. Interviews for each stipend will take place between 16 – 20 April 2012 in Melbourne. Please direct all enquires regarding these opportunities by Email to GEElab director Dr Steffen P Walz: steffen.walz [AT]

Both PhD stipends contain an uplift for EU loading and run at AUS$30,000 tax-exempt p.a. each, over the course of three years. With these stipends come one-off relocation allowances as well as funding for an optional German language course if the successful applicants are not proficient in German. In addition, the GEElab will sponsor project cost as well as conference travel given circumstances. It is intended that the successful candidates will commence as soon as possible in Melbourne, and relocate to Germany in May or June of 2012:

3-Year PhD Stipend: Game Design for Future Cities
This stipend supports a doctoral student and is linked to the question how game design methods as well as playfulness can, methodologically and practically, serve as design principles and design results for the city and for citizens of the future, tackling fields such as urban well-being and liveability, citizen engagement as well as sustainability. The successful applicant will be required to spend most of her/his stipend’s time on extended field research in the Stuttgart—Karlsruhe high tech industry region in the southwest of Germany, as well as in other RMIT GEElab sites, if necessary.

3-Year PhD Stipend: Game Design for Popular Entertainment
This stipend supports a doctoral student who will explore, in an applied fashion, under which conditions established forms of popular culture (e.g. sports, music, fashion), or media (e.g. TV, movies, textbooks, museums) can become interactive, enhanced, and potentially co-created entertainment experiences that have been inspired by games, and what social and cultural implications, novel uses and contexts these scenarios render. The successful applicant will be required to spend most of her/his stipend’s time on extended field research in the Stuttgart—Karlsruhe high tech industry region in the southwest of Germany, as well as in other RMIT GEElab sites, if necessary.

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