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[size=18]Collusion - City Counterpoints - Sunday 7th October

edited October 2007 in events
This a relatively new group from Brisbane playing this Sunday Afternoon in Chapel Street. They have had a few gigs, and get great reviews. It should be really interesting. More info with the links below.

With guest artist, photographer Henri van Noordenburg.

City Counterpoints explores the dynamics of the commonality of our urban lives in a compelling performance by Brisbane-based Collusion Musical Arts Ensemble, with photography by Henri van Noordenburg. This principle of "finding common ground between all people", reaching beyond the barriers of varying nationalities, socio-economic backgrounds and belief systems to create a meeting point of communication is a central tenet to van Noordenburg's work. City Counterpoints has been created in response to music by Reich, Schultz, Sabin, Stanhope, Westlake and Hubbard.[/url]
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