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  • miles
    edited November -1
    looks like we need to tighten this list....can anyone help with sa and dav can you help from out west?
  • hairdresser
    edited December 2008
    melb uni is difficult to determine. but.
    corbett lyon is an adjunct prof at melb, uni.
    you will also find that h. beck is still one.

    I came across a list somewhere for that place a while back.

    don't forget your new monash while your at it.
  • miles
    edited November -1
    @hd 'solid SGA' what/who du mean?
  • miles
    edited November -1
    no idea about 'my' new monash, can you have academic adjuncts if you are a practice focused program? dr john must be waiting for the call.
  • hairdresser
    edited December 2008
    @ miles.
    chris johnson.
    solid as in cred. not fat.

    u involved with da new monash miles?
  • miles
    edited November -1
    wrong gene pool man.
  • hairdresser
    edited November -1
    ha ha ha.

    yeah -
    is a hilly billy shin dig that one.
  • info
    edited November -1
    A sideline; UNSW architecture's new Dean is Mr Slim Shady himself - Alec Tzannes.
    Maybe we should shift off the adjunct's and into this area...
  • hairdresser
    edited November -1
    thats if they can wake him up.
  • miles
    edited November -1
    you have got to be joking! previous dean peter murphy was alright. so that is why he was spinning wildly in aa about education. he was trying to develop an agenda. his text now looks like a total setup. facist.
  • hairdresser
    edited December 2008
    it wasn't much of an agenda miles.
    but it does explain his hazy tenure as Raia president. had his eyes on the X phase?

    he fits the upper level professorial leadership profiles the universities seem to want.

    wonder what went wrong with his practice?
  • miles
    edited November -1
    fat boy home loans
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