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The many cities of Buenos Aires

The many cities of Buenos Aires
Mariano Aguirre
16 - 2 - 2005

Mariano Aguirre, revisiting his native Argentina after thirty years’ absence, discovers a capital city trapped in the contradictions of globalisation.

When I returned to Buenos Aires in December 2004 for the first time in three decades, I found a city transformed almost out of recognition. The most striking impression was of an urban space that had multiplied and diversified: where once there appeared to be only one city, now several grow and overlap. A journey into my own past became an encounter with a contradictory, globalised present. (...)

The sociologist Maristella Svampa writes in La brecha urbana (Capital Intelectual, 2004) that Buenos Aires has been transformed from an “open city” founded on a European model into one of social exclusion. The new model is defined by inequalities, restricted citizenship and inherited privilege. The rich can satisfy their needs through private service providers while the majority of citizens can only demand security and welfare from a dismantled state. (...)

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