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From South Africa with Love

From South Africa with Love
Site C, Khayalitsha
    "South Africa has the unfortunate distinction of being one of the world's most disparate societies. Along with Brazil, another country known for its shantytowns, South Africa has the largest gap between the rich and the poor. Here, this gap goes far beyond the issue of money. Cape Town is a modern city with coffee shops, malls, and streets lined with real estate agents selling houses with infinity pools. The whites live here in the shadow of Table Mountain in large houses with tall fences and well manicured gardens. Most of the blacks live 15 miles outside the city in clusters of tin shacks set on what was once miles of endless sand dunes. The Group Areas Act, one of the pillars of apartheid, determined where you could live on the basis of your skin color. While this act was abolished in 1986, it's legacy remains"
To continue reading and visit this fabulous photographic exhibit...
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