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Is this any way to build a city?

Does Bracks approach mean that perhaps smaller firms will have more opportunities? I hope so.
I am not too sure that "the Government invariably concentrates on the bottom line", this is not the style of Spencer Street.

And about "lack inspiration", do these architects mean that the inspiration of large architectural monopolies that designed monstrosities such as the casino was real inspiration?

There should always be room for improvements, the number of carpark requirements is one of the many issues that need intelligent and an “ego-less” approach by all parties…..

    Is this any way to build a city?
    The Age, April 22, 2005

    Many of Melbourne's leading architects are angry. They say they have been spurned by the State Government - and the result is flawed major projects that lack inspiration. By Royce Millar.

    Rob Stent says the writing was on the wall early on. Soon after the Bracks Government came to power in late 1999, the Victorian president of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects met one of the Government's most senior planning bureaucrats.

    "The architects have had it too good for too long," Stent recalls the public servant saying. "Those days (a clear reference to the Kennett era) are over. We're going to pull you into line."
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