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Harare: assessment of the evictions of some 200,000 people

Special envoy concludes Zimbabwe mission
Harare, 11 July 2005 United Nations Special Envoy, Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, at the weekend ended a two-week assessment of the evictions of some 200,000 people in Zimbabwe to prepare a report for UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

“I have been in several areas of the country and assessed the consequences of the clean-up operation and the efforts being undertaken by all, especially those affected, and those trying to assist them including the government, civil society and international organizations. I will now report back to the Secretary-General of the United Nations who will then decide on the next steps and how the international community can further assist the Government and people of Zimbabwe on the challenges I have seen on the ground,” she said.

Mrs. Tibaijuka said that as UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-HABITAT, the UN agency responsible for housing and urban development, she saw an immediate need to support the UN country team in Zimbabwe and appointed a UN-HABITAT Programme Manager, with immediate effect.

UN-HABITAT Programme Managers are urban planning and management experts stationed at country level. (....)

continue reading: UN-Habitat
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